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June 26, 2019


Dear Skyliners,


This past month has been full of scouring hill and dale to keep ahead of Italian Thistles and Wild Oats, and we've done a great job of that with our thistlecatchers and our mowing.  Although we've just entered Summer, for the next month we are still weeding to catch such invaders as Rose Clover, Scattergrass, and Spurge before they ripen and throw their seeds.  This will save us tons of work come the rains.  As to wildflowers, right now the Sticky Monkey and Farewell to Spring are  just glorious, as are the big, red Cobweb Thistles.  Soap Root flowers, literally by the thousands, open fresh each day as dusk approaches.  


We'll be going out  twice a week for July: Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 1 and Wednesday afternoon/evenings from 4 pm to sunset.  Please let me know if you can make it.


Speaking of evenings, in May, we did an early season Moth Night to wrap up our UC Berkeley DeCal class.  Moth nights are best on warm, still evenings.  We got the opposite - a cold, foggy, windy one.  We set up our sheets and UV lights in the lee of the wind in three places along the Skyline Trail between Steam Trains and the old bench at Siesta Nose.  


We were visited by over fifteen moth species, but curiously, these were almost all large moths.  We guessed this was because the larger ones are stronger fliers and better able to navigate tough moth conditions. The smaller ones were just not out (or able to find us) in the fog and the wind.  Several beautiful ones did find us and here are some photos.  First, here is one of the Geometrid moths:

Geometrid moth.jpg

This one, Tetracis cevinaria, is about two inches across.   The golden wings are highlighted by a purple stripe.  They are native to western North America.  As far as we know, this one does not yet have a common name (any ideas?), but the caterpillars feed on native Prunus species. (Photo thanks to Ken-ichi)  


Next we have the Vestal Tiger Moth (Spilosome vestalis):

Vestal tiger moth.jpg

These are pure, snow white and fuzzy.  (Photo -  Ken-ichi).  Vestal Tiger Moths live on the West Coast of North America, mostly in dense forests.  One of their larval food plants is Alders, and there are many Alders growing along the banks of Siesta Creek, down in the valley. 


These moths have black spots on their abdomens, but most strikingly, they have a boss of bright scarlet fuzz on each front fore-leg.  Here's a close up of that:

Vestal tiger moth scarlet legs.jpg

The black dots on the abdomen and the scarlet fore-legs are diagnostic for this species.  (Photo thanks to Cat.) 


Towards the end of the evening, we were visited by one, large Sphinx Moth, also known as Hawk Moths or Hummingbird Moths.  Here is the one:

Sphinx moth.jpg

These are very large moths, sometimes mistaken for Hummingbirds.  They resemble Hummingbirds in their flight patterns, as they hover over flowers while nectaring.  This one, the White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata) is nearly three inches from head to tail, and makes quite a sound. They occur all across North America.  (Photo - Ken-ichi).  


They are  known as "long-tongued nectar foragers."  The very long "tongue" is used for feeding from large thistles and Evening Primrose flowers, among others.  Here's a Sphinx Moth in action:

Sphinx moth and thistle.jpg

This one is hovering above a big thistle flower head, and you can see the long tongue inserted deep inside.  This photo is from iNaturalist, taken in the Hill Country west of Austin, Texas, and we thank Greg Lasley for a great shot.  I'm not sure of this thistle species, perhaps a native Texas one, but I'm willing to bet that these moths also feed on our giant, red Cobweb Thistles up on the ridge at Skyline Gardens.


Although I've seen Sphinx Moths elsewhere, I did not know they occurred in lowland California.  The mystery was deepened by hearing that their larval food plants are primarily in the Evening Primrose family.  Somehow, I could not imagine enough Clarkia, Epilobium, or California Fuchsia to sustain them in our local area.


Then, last week, a group of us were down in Siesta Valley looking at Sedges (Carex) and since these are mostly water-loving, we visited Siesta Springs along the DeLaviega Trail.  Eric Wrubel, a Carex expert who works for National Parks over in Marin, was our Carex guide for the day.  Lo and behold, he spotted this:

SPhinx moth larvae.jpg

This whopper caterpillar was on a stem of a water-loving species of Epilobium, probably E. ciliatum, which grows very profusely at the springs.  Look at the size of this one, as big or bigger than your pinkie finger! (Thanks, Eric, for the find and the photo.) 


Of course, it all makes sense now, mystery solved; one more link in the web of life.


Happy Trails,



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